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The Secrets of the Cauldron Blog

Kath Wallace
Nov 20, 20224 min read
Five Reasons Your Magic Spells Aren't Working
There are many reasons why a magic spell may not work and here, we've given you five reasons why that might be the case for you.....

Kath Wallace
Oct 31, 20225 min read
Samhain for Busy Witches
Samhain for busy, tired Witches! Discover quick and easy ways for the busy witch to celebrate Samhain without elaborate ritual and planning.

Kath Wallace
Oct 27, 20224 min read
Thin the Veil Candle Spell
A magic spell for Samhain. Thin the veil candle spell to attract ancestors and spirit allies. Samhain magic spell step-by-step instructions

Kath Wallace
Aug 22, 20226 min read
Witchcraft for Health and Wellbeing
Using the power of Witchcraft for healing and wellbeing. Magical Witchcraft practices to enhance your health, wellbeing and healing goals.

Kath Wallace
Aug 29, 20216 min read
How to Be A Thrifty Witch
Witchcraft on a Budget. Everyday, easy to find magical herbs, ingredients and suggestions for magic spells, rituals and spellcraft.

Kath Wallace
Apr 8, 20212 min read
Witchcraft Tools for the New Witch: Tarot
Whilst not all witches read tarot and certainly not all tarot readers are witches .... there is a definite overlap between Witchery, magic..

Kath Wallace
Sep 7, 20206 min read
Magical Herbalism
Witchcraft for beginners. Magical herbalism. Ten magical herbs for new and beginner Witches. Favourite and most popular herbs for spells.

Kath Wallace
Jul 17, 20207 min read
5 Tips for Practising Powerful Witchcraft
Five tips for practising powerful Witchcraft. Modern Witchcraft for new and beginner Witches. Our suggestions for getting started with magic

Kath Wallace
Jul 8, 20204 min read
Working with the Divine Sun
Working with Solar energy. Modern Witchcraft for modern Witches. Using Solar energy in your magical workings and spellcraft.

Kath Wallace
Jul 6, 20204 min read
Witchcraft Tools for the New Witch
Witchcraft tools. One of the first things new Witches start looking at when exploring Witchcraft are tools and mystical items.

Kath Wallace
Jul 3, 20205 min read
Becoming a Witch
One of the most confusing things for new Witches are the myths and misconceptions that are out there. So, let’s break some of these down....
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