Well witches, you have done it; you have survived the first week of January as we exit the festive season and start the slow crawl to 'normality'. That alone deserves a small treat, such as sitting down with your favourite drink and reading our first blog of 2023.
January is a complex month full of contradictions.
It is a time of harsh and unforgiving weather in the Northern Hemisphere. Historically, at this time, our rural ancestors would be dealing with fear and the struggle against the cold and dwindling supplies. Nature remains at rest, storing up its energy for emergence in Spring.
However, while your body may also encourage you to rest and replenish, especially if you have had a busy festive period, most of us have to battle the elements and return to school, work and our usual routines.
This year particularly, as we return to daily life, many people are battling illness and the financial pressures many households and communities face.
While juggling these pressures, we also have the acute awareness of time that the end of one year and the beginning of the next one brings.
Whether you have been reflecting on your successes and lessons of the last twelve months, feeling like you have not used your time as well as you wanted, or are excitedly looking forward to 2023 – the passing of time tends to be foremost in our minds.
We are also bombarded with 'new year, new you' messages, encouraging us to set resolutions, eat healthily, join a gym and generally have a life-make-over.
If you follow witchcraft-related content, you will also have seen new year spells and divination suggestions. It can be exhausting just thinking about it!
Yet what if you are not feeling new year vibes?
Maybe you haven't had the physical, mental, or emotional capacity, or you just have not had the time to do the 'new year'?
Firstly, do not allow yourself to feel pressured because of an arbitrary date on a calendar, as there are numerous ways to look at the new year concept within witchcraft.
It is often helpful to remember that our modern calendar was established approximately 700 BCE based on the old Roman calendar.
The year's first month was named Januarius after the Roman god Janus, which meant 'door', and Janus ruled endings, beginnings, movement and change.
So, we can call in this energy anytime during January; you are not restricted to 1st January.
Alternatively, you may want to identify the first New Moon of 2023 as the turning of the 'new year'. This year the first New Moon is on 21st January, in fixed air sign, Aquarius. Aquarius is a future-orientated sign and is the perfect energy to work with around new beginnings and change, making it the positive sign to intentions for 2023.
Imbolc on 1st to 2nd February is also a popular choice to acknowledge the 'new year' among many witches. Imbolc is an Irish festival traditionally acknowledged as the beginning of Spring and is a potent time of purification and renewal. Seeding and planting start at this time as the weather warms, making it a powerful time to consider planning for the year ahead.
Finally, the new astrological year begins on 20th March, when the Sun moves into the first sign of the zodiac Aries. At this time, the earth is truly awakening as flowers bloom and nature actively stirs back into life. It is also a powerful time for 'new' and pioneering energy with the astrological new year and rising of the Spring energy, making it a potent time to set new goals and intentions.
Or you could choose a date that reflects the cycles of your energy and life. You are free to create and celebrate your own wheel of the year!
Whenever you decide to welcome the fresh, new energy of 2023, you can utilise this period as a time of rest, cleansing and clearing. You could begin by physically and energetically cleansing your home using any method that works for you. This can include smoke, sound, simmer pots, purification sprays, and floor washes.
One of our favourite methods is to mix salt with cleansing herbs such as rosemary, mint, basil, lavender, etc., and scatter it around your home.
Leave it for approximately one hour to absorb any stagnant energy, and then sweep it out the back doors of your house or vacuum, ensuring you dispose of the salt in your outside refuge bin.
We also encourage you to pay attention to your altar, witchcraft, or sacred space, if you have one. You can begin by removing everything from your altar, disposing of old offerings and wiping down the surface with cleansing water such as Florida, Moon, Holy Water of water you have consecrated.
Choose the items to go onto your altar, representing the energy you want to bring into your life or that reflects your intended witchcraft practice for 2023. You may want to provide fresh offerings if that is part of your practice and when your altar has been reassembled, give it a final blessing to seal its energy.
Finally, do not forget your own energy by indulging in a cleansing, spiritual bath or shower to remove any stuck energy from your energetic field. You can use salt, lemons, herbs, or oils such as mint, sage, basil, rosemary, eucalyptus, hyssop, etc. Place two white candles on the floor and ensure you step between the candles when entering and exiting your bath or shower. Allow yourself to air dry naturally for the full power of the herbs and oils to do their work.
January is a month full of both challenges and hope and possibilities; be gentle with yourselves, witches, as you navigate moving forward.