One of our favourite astrological seasons of the zodiacal year is here as the Sun moved into mutable fire sign, Sagittarius, on 22nd November 2022.

While, as witches, we revel in the transformational and emotional depths of Scorpio Season, many of us are ready for the uplifting energy that Sagittarius season brings.
The archer symbolises Sagittarius; therefore, during this period, we are asked to consider where we want to aim our arrows.
Sagittarius is an independent, free-thinking sign bringing expansive, optimistic and visionary energy. This period encourages us to take risks and go after what we want, although we must be mindful of the Sagittarius idealism and tendency to be over-optimistic. Keep it real, witches!
Sagittarius season got off to an auspicious start with a beautifully optimistic New Moon on 25th November. This lunation was supported by Sagittarius's planetary ruler, Jupiter stationing direct at the same time.
We hope you utilised this energy positively by setting intentions for the next six months.
Looking forward, the first part of Sagittarius season sees the Sun and Venus conjunct in Sagittarius, placing a focus on our relationships and bringing that exciting Sagi energy into our partnerships.
However, we will need to keep calm and grounded during the Gemini Full Moon on 7th – 8th December, which is activated by Mars Retrograde (see our Mars Retrograde blog here).
But how do we best connect to the Sagi vibes? We have some ideas for you:

Go exploring -
Sagittarius is THE sign associated with travel and exploration. Sagittarius is never happier than when discovering new territory, having adventures and learning about their place in the world.
While we might not have a holiday or trip planned at this time of year, we can still tap into these wanderlust energies.
You could plan a day trip somewhere new – we don't have to travel far to generate that sense of adventure. You can 'get lost' in your own home area by being a tourist for the day and going to local attractions.
You can even honour the energies by planning your dream trip or learning about new cultures.

Get magical -
Sagittarius is a potent energy to work with magically. As a fire sign, candle magic for all intentions is well-supported when the Sun is in this vibrant sign.
You can also do spellwork for abundance and growth with the support of Sagi's ruler, expansive Jupiter (see our 10 Days of Money Magic Workbook for ideas – now on SALE).
Spellwork for travel, new opportunities, higher education, truth, wisdom and growth are all favoured during Sagittarius season.
Consider incorporating Sagittarius-ruled correspondences such as sage, star anise, juniper, dandelion, hops, bay laurel, topaz, aventurine and lapis lazuli into your spells for an additional boost of energy.

Get learning -
Curiosity and a love of knowledge are central to the Sagittarius archetype.
This fire sign also rules the 9th house in astrology, representing (amongst other things) higher learning and philosophy.
This makes Sagiattrius season the perfect time to learn something new!
Learning does not have to be 'book-based'; it could be a new skill or exploring an unknown facet of your witchcraft practice.
The 9th house also signifies wisdom, so any activity that expands your knowledge is well supported during Sagittarius season

Have fun -
Sagittarius is a very sociable sign, and with the festive period approaching, we are encouraged to relax and enjoy ourselves.
We all know that life is currently difficult for many of us, so Sagittarius season is here to support us in doing something enjoyable. If you have isolated yourself throughout tumultuous Scorpio season, tap into the cheerful Sagittarius energy for a much-needed lift.
This does not mean you have to throw a massive party, but consider contacting a friend and organising a catch-up to connect to this energy.
Or play your favourite tunes and dance; as an exuberant sign, Sagittarius loves movement and physical energy.
Witches, we hope this gives you some ideas of how to work with this lively and hopeful Sagittarius energy.
We are riding this wave into the festive season and the Winter Solstice, so enjoy this uplifting and positive energy and aim those arrows high!